Thursday, November 27, 2008

A New Kind of Thanksgiving Day

For the last couple of days I have found myself spending more time than usual in prayer.

You see, I have a friend who has a terrible injury, he is in excruciating pain requiring morphine and while he waits to see one of the only two physicians in this country who will treat his injury I am praying for him – every hour. Won’t you join me in praying for my friend and his family?

And also, I have another friend. She and her husband thought he just had a terrible case of pneumonia. It is actually lung cancer and the Dr. says that there is only a tiny sliver of hope that he will ever be off life support again. She is reeling from the shock and spending all her time at his side while their mostly grown children gather. So, I pray for dear Anne & Don and their family as well.

So, I shed tears and pray on Thanksgiving Day, crying out to God for His mercy on these loved ones. And I thank Him that He is God of the universe who holds all things in His hands. And that He loves me, and these friends.

“…in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philipians 4:6b,7

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