Thursday, December 31, 2009

A thought for the New Year

“Three Rules of Work:
Out of clutter find simplicity;
From discord find harmony;
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”

Albert Einstein

Hat Tip to Teaching Good Things

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Coming out of hibernation to share...

We went to the conference that the National Center for Family Integrated Churches annual conference a few years back and it was such a blessing!
I would have loved to go this year, but alas, was unable.

I do intend to hear the CDs that contain the talks by many of my favorite speakers, though.

Why don't you go on over and get a set as well?

Go to Life in a Shoe for a giveaway chance...I did!

Thursday, November 05, 2009

I was convicted and inspired by this post. Do you do this? Do you read The Word with your family this often? I think that the father of this family has given his children a priceless gift, they know what is supposed to be important. Think about this statement:
"Parents taste conviction, confess, repent." Wow.
I know I've said it before, but find a way to read A Holy Experience, often.

I just realized that I haven't gotten out our "Thankfulness Banner" this month! Things have been pretty crazy-busy here and I'm just beginning to realize that the Holidays are upon us. Sigh! So as usual, I pick myself up, dust myself off and resolve to do what is important and try to ignore the unimportant. Dear Lord give me strength and wisdom! Amen

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Some links for Tuesday...

Sew Mama Sew is doing a month of Christmas projects. Definitely get over there and get some ideas, and while you are at it, comment and enter to win a prize.

Andrew Kern has written a great post on When and How to Teach Grammar. I love it when people write what I think, because I can't write so well. I especially love these quotes from the article:

"We must not think about grammar as an academic study. Life is not for school; school is for life. We should always teach grammar for the simple reason that we always do teach grammar."

"If you are speaking to another person, you are helping form the pattern of that person’s thinking. You are contributing to his vocabulary (maybe that’s more obvious), and you are also contributing to the structure of his thought.

If you constantly speak to your two or three year old child in one and two word sentences, that is how your child will tend to think. And that’s more or less OK with a one year old, less so with a two year old, and horrible with a three year old."

If you don't subscribe to Quiddity on your "reader" do so, you won't be sorry!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Head on over to Reformation Theology to read this article:What Would Be The Point of Evangelism if Divine Election Is True?

I made chicken-broccoli alfredo last night. Would you believe it is the first time I've made a traditional alfredo sauce? The dish was very good, served with a salad and garlic bread.
Tonight we have an appointment until 5:30 and Conrad has proposed burgers from the local burger joint. I'll take that offer!
Tomorrow, I have a roast thawed for pot roast...not sure how I'm going to flavor it yet, Korean, Mexican or traditional Anglo-Saxon with vegetables.

Well, we're having a busy day I'm off!Gabriel and his Uncles 10-19-09

Gabriel and his Uncles

Monday, October 26, 2009

images Until November 1, get a free Download of Luther's "Here I Stand" speech at the Diet of Worms read by Max McLean.

Meal Planning...or the lack of planning!

Sometimes I just get into a funk when it comes to meal planning. I usually fall back on a rotating menu from the past (I have one or two in a binder). That's where I find myself today. I usually have my menu planned by Sunday evening so that I can get my grocery list together for shopping on Monday or Tuesday. I just sat and stared at that notepad yesterday! I couldn't muscle up any brain power for menu planning!

This morning, I visited "Menu Monday" at "I'm an Organizing Junkie". There are close to 200 different menus on there! I finally have some ideas and even copied some recipes.

So, what are we having? I don't know yet...I'm going to go out to the freezer and pantry and nose around. I'll let you know what I decide.

Have a good day!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Must Read Link

I'm so glad that Carmon at Buried Treasure is blogging again! She has been sharing with us the talks that she gave to an OPC women's conference. There are several good biographical articles on Christian women. Go...Read, and be challenged!

We are having a busy week following the church campout and the birth of Gabriel. I'm having some difficulty getting back into a routine, but that's okay.

Today we have a Dr.s appointment and it takes something as trivial as that to throw off my whole day!

So, today I'm full of thankfulness for the continued life of a dear friend who had a heart attack the night before last. He's in ICU but is improving and we are so thankful! And of course, there's little Gabriel - an angel indeed!

We are eating crock pot chicken for dinner...I think!

We are learning the hymn "Come You Thankful People Come!"

And in preparation for the Lord's Day, I'm thinking about what I will fix to bring to the congregational lunch.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Gabriel Rowan ...isn't he a cutie?

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Some fun links...

If you haven't checked out One Pretty really should. These links are from there.

Make a nature crown. Here is a recipe for mulled cider scented play-dough.

We are getting ready for our annual church campout. And of course...we are anxiously awaiting Tad's arrival!

With that thought, another link from Adventures in Diapering and Beyond. Tips for keeping a Mother's Journal.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Daybook Entry

FOR TODAY...October 5th

Outside my window... partly cloudy cool day with jets going over.

I am thinking... about my daughter-in-law and her baby due any time now.

I am thankful for...
worship, feasting, fellowship and rest.

I am wearing...
long black skirt, ¾ sleeve black t-shirt and favorite slip-ons.

I am remembering... sitting on the couch snuggled up with Luke reading picture books (loudly & vigorously) yesterday.

I am going... to catch up on laundry and schoolwork before the campout.

I am reading...
The Black Arrow by R.L. Stevenson aloud to the children.

I am hoping... that it doesn’t rain on our annual campout.

On my mind... Gaelan & Emily and little “Tad” and many other prayer requests, Denise, Chris, Gregory.

From the learning rooms... nothing this week except a little catch up…next week, The Borgias!

Noticing that... as usual, there’s more things needing to be done than I have a mind to do this week.

Pondering these words... “And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone” I Thessalonians 5:14…my job description.

From the kitchen... sounds of dishes being done and a tape being listened to “It’s Cool in the Furnace, Man!” Later, fried rice for dinner.

Around the house... Straightening up and getting ready for the annual church campout.
One of my favorite things~ decorating for fall.

From my picture journal...

Emily & Gaelan in Montpelier "chillin' with the Madisons"

Friday, October 02, 2009


I'm still thinking about this post.
And remember a conversation I had one day with our old pastor (he's gone to be with the Lord and has finally gotten to rest in his favorite verse). We were talking about making decisions and determining the Lord's will. It was a small comment but he said something like, "you know that when you make the decision and move on, that is faithfulness too, that you have to have faith that your doing what you think is right is what He's ordained for you. That you aren't to be immobilized trying to figure out God's will, His will is for you to believe and to act."

I often stumble through my days, just trying to keep my head above water. I have a child who takes all of my energy some days, most days. And yet my other responsibilities don't stop because I have it hard in one area. I think that when it has been so hard, God has taught me so much more about who He is, that His Grace is sufficient. Sounds almost cliche doesn't it? I should know these things! I find that I use an awful lot of my own strength keeping things together, keeping the house calm, trying to keep everyone doing what they ought to be doing and keeping them from doing what they ought not to be doing. And then my child (or is it God?) demonstrates that there is nothing I really can do. So then I do what I should have done all along. Pray and repeat His Word to me and to mine. And then just serve.

I really think that I should have this down, this stopping and praying and seeking out His Word and then just moving out in faith. I have to relearn it almost every day! And it really is true, there is much joy in serving and being surrendered! My master is kind and loves me and mine, He also watches over me in such a way6
that not a hair can fall from my head
without the will of my Father in heaven:7
in fact, all things must work together for my salvation.

Heidleberg Catechism Q1.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Check it out!

Look at the beautiful fabric in this jelly roll and layer cake that Lila Tueller is giving away! Go on over to her blog and enter to win them. I'm thinking a lovely lap quilt. Hmmm.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

New Links

I just wanted to post and say, "Congratulations to the Baucham family on their new blessing!" Check out Jasmine's blog to read some great posts on being an adult daughter at home. I bet her blog roll has lots of wonderful food for thought.

Shayna and I have enjoyed the posts on hope chests at Feelin' Feminine. And we enjoy the many project tutorials at Moda Bake Shop.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Happy "Gotchya Day" to Isaac

On this day in 1994, Isaac came to be part of our family. So, we celebrate his "gotchya day". We are thankful for him and how he's grown. He certainly is a vital part of our family!

We always celebrate with donuts for breakfast.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Happy Birthday, Gaelan!

Happy Birthday, to my eldest! He and his bride are expecting their first in just a few weeks...we can't wait! May God bless you Gaelan, as you continue to follow Him!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

We are keeping Quiet Time journals based on this post by Ann at A Holy Experience. I have great hopes for the things we will encounter using the journals...if we can only keep them up!

Today is the beginning of our week...we enjoyed a day of relaxation and visiting with friends. The rain is falling pretty steadily and the light coming in the windows is gray. We have the lights on throughout the house and I am trying very hard to keep the mood from being dreary. My students are at the table working on their assignments and I'm settling down in the library adjacent to begin my morning of paperwork.

I have begun to take Conrad to work since parking has gotten so bad at the shipyard and we will have to figure out how to fit that new aspect of the morning into our routine. It gets us started a little late, but all together, which is a good thing.

Well, there's much to do and my time on the computer is up. Have a good week!

What's for dinner? Burritos and salad

What I'm thankful for: The rain and a comfortable dry house! For new beginnings. For prayer time in the morning with my husband. For kids who are demonstrating good far!

What I'm praying for: For me to remember my huge influence over the tone of our home. That God would help me to be thankful and prayerful. That I would remember that by dying I will live, by serving I will be satisfied, by caring I will feel carefree. That instead of worrying about my burdens, I should carry others' burdens. *see what I'm studying below.

What I'm reading in The WORD: I'm reading Isaiah 58 over and over this week (perhaps this month). I'm punched in the stomach with it! Today, I'm meditating on verses 10 & 11.

A blog to check out today: Look at WEE FOLK ART for a cute mini pumpkin patch craft...I'm thinking that these would make cute little gifts to bring to someone when we visit.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Please read the Headmistress' post at the Common Room on suggestions for parents whose children will be seeing the president's address to classrooms across the nation... even if your children will be spared, I think that there are many really important things to discuss with our kids here!
I've been rearranging the furniture downstairs. It is mostly done and I've only the books to arrange on the shelves. Everything has gotten a good cleaning and things just feel fresher around here!
I've been trying to keep my blog list current by adding and subtracting blogs as I see articles that are really great.
I know that there are probably better ways to do that, but I don't have time to figure it out!

I've just finished tightening Shayna's braids and have lots more to do around the house today, especially paperwork - menu planning, grocery list writing, lesson planning and general filing. I also have to get going on my grandson's cradle set and get it finished before he is due in just three weeks!

What's for dinner? There were turkey breasts on sale last week for $.97/lb. and I bought six! We will have one tonight for dinner with stuffing and green beans and I will use the leftover turkey in fried rice over the weekend.

I'm thankful for: The wonderful cool weather this week, and the breezes coming through the windows. I'm thankful for Isaac's kindness to Shayna this morning - fetching things for her when she was forced to sit still while I did her hair. For Steven's first week of school behind him and his enthusiasm for his studies. There's so much!

What I'm studying in the Word: Conrad has been teaching us from a commentary on Isaiah during family worship time and I am spending time in that book to aid my understanding.

What I'm reading: Nothing for myself right now...I'm too busy getting organized! I'm reading The Hobbit to the children aloud.

I'm Praying: Constantly for Ben, fighting fires in CA, and our session dealing with difficult issues, non-stop. I'm praying regularly for Ryan & Meg getting married in a few weeks. For our church family, that we would grow in Grace and would pour ourselves out for Christ. For Emily as she nears Tad's due date for rest for her body and health and a safe delivery.

Blogs for you to check out on the side bar:
I'm really excited for the crate filing system idea on A Wise Woman Builds Her Home
For Charlotte Mason Homeschoolers check out Morning Time Moms new morning time schedule. And from the same author, Cindy's reports on the CIRCE conference at Ordo Amoris.

Have a lovely weekend!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A great resource for homeschoolers or anyone who loves to learn new things.

Ladies, You have to go to see this article at Holy Experience! It is full of links to visit daily of things to learn. There is a daily audio Bible selection, geography quiz, science links, poetry, art...check it out, it's really cool!

I'm thinking that this is especially nice on days when school has to be light, just get the kids doing some of these activities. Enjoy!

And if you haven't started reading Ann's blog daily, you really must!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Isaac just made a banana pudding for himself and his Papa, complete with from scratch custard and hand beaten meringue!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

"Study the Past"

Trying to get back on board...

We are back from a lovely vacation to our nation's capitol and to see some family. Hopefully a little about that later.

Our family has been experiencing a particularly busy and stressful time of our lives and so I've let the unnecessary things (such as blogging) go by the wayside. I've finally realized that there's no end in sight and I would like to revamp how I manage these things, because I enjoy them or find them useful.

One thing I'm spending a little time on is my blog had gotten totally unmanageable. I love my googlereader which shows me what's new to read each day and my blog list on that is huge. So, I think I will begin with the links that I read basically everyday or am currently finding an important read.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Giving Thanks

O greatly blessed is the man who walketh not astray...
(wish we had a better pic of this, our camera ran out of batteries, sigh!)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"Children, should be... loved, not coddled; led, not driven, respected as
an individual... guided to walk freely on directed paths; to slay
caprice and to liberate will; to kill selfishness and to conquer self;
helped by the shining of your steady light to a vision of the
relationship between the world of nature and the world of the spirit..."

Kate Douglas Wiggin (author of Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm)
(HT to The Common Room)

Monday, June 15, 2009

I'm trying to see my life as art... it's hard for this unimaginative soul. I miss too much joy, trying so hard to "do the next thing".

I know that my thinking- my heart is something that I constantly have to stop and realign. I can get very caught up in getting our chores done, our math and spelling done... even that Bible lesson - lesson 65 comes after 64 which comes after 63... And then my children are nothing but cooperators or annoyances - when they are not cooperating.

It is very easy to frame such thinking and living in righteous sounding terms. I am my husband's helpmeet and it is helpful to him if I keep the house clean and educate our children. I'm helping him in his calling...

But looking under it all, those are the good things that often take priority over the best. Those things are definitely important... doesn't that go without saying?

I've been forgetting the first G of the three G's of education*. I'm forgetting WHO GOD IS! What has that got to do with not appreciating my kids for who they are? EVERYTHING! We need to stop together and remember who God is and in that we remember who we are. Then everything is a precious gift!

Then I see my life as art! I see the beauty before the dust, I see the joy before the character flaws. I see His loving benevolence to me in my husband and children, in what we learn, in what we have and even in what I do.

Heavenly Father, help me to remember who you are, what you hve done and then what you require of me. Thank you for constantly renewing my mind and heart in Christ Jesus. AMEN

The three G's - Who God is. What He has done. What He requires of us. From When You Rise Up; A Covenant Approach to Homeschooling by R.C. Sproul Jr.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Some thoughts...

I've started water aerobics with my Mom...I feel like my skin is absorbing all of that chlorine! Yuck! I am really tired and sore but am enjoying it.

Over at Quiet Life, Donna is asking for warm weather meal ideas. Here is a favorite:
Oriental Crunch Salad
Saute in a 1/4 cup of oil:
2 pkgs of chicken flavored ramen noodles, crunched up
1 cup slivered almonds
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup sesame seeds
Until brown. Sprinkle the seasoning packets from the Ramen noodles over. Set aside to cool.
1/4 cup oil
1/4 cup sugar
2 Tbs. vinegar
2 Tbs. soy sauce
in a sauce pan over med.-high heat until the sugar is dissolved. Whisk well and set in refrigerator until cooled.
Shred one head of cabbage and two carrots and put in a bowl. (My friend Myra just buys cole slaw mix in a bag and our own family likes about a half of head of cabbage and mixed greens as well.)
Serve dressing and "crunchies" along with the salad (the crunchies will get soggy if you have mixed them all together and have leftovers).
For a summer meal, we often add a rotisserie roast chicken sliced to the salad, or just some grilled chicken from the bbq.


I just found this really cute blog of decorated cookies. Great ideas there!

One of my favorite blogs that comes up in my reader every day is One Pretty Thing, check it out.

I've been inspired today for a bridal shower cake I'm making...I can't wait to get started on it!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Where do I begin?


I have confessed before that I really struggle with being a good housekeeper. I have needed to train myself through the years and constantly backslide in my standards for cleanliness.

There are “seasons” in my life when I have made good progress in this area and have maintained my home in a sufficient manner. There have even been a couple of “seasons” when I was manager of my home enough that my children were on the ball – doing a lot of the housekeeping along side of me.

THIS is not one of those “seasons”!

I have really let the ball drop as far as the children’s chores and my own.

I certainly have many legitimate (in my own eyes!) reasons to have spent my time elsewhere- things that were higher on the priority list, that have taken much time and physical as well as emotional energy. But that is more often the case than not, isn’t it?

I’ve let my housekeeping lapse. We’ve been keeping up on the laundry- mostly, and making our meals- though we have made far too many convenience meals, and our academic lessons have continued-until we took a break. So, even our necessary tasks have been suffering. This is surely not the way to be faithful in my God-given tasks in life!

I have learned over the years that this phenomenon - gradually letting everything slide until it is all screaming for attention has often preceded a change in direction for my housekeeping. Something that was working before isn’t, anymore. It is time to change my routines, or methods or look at some training that hasn’t happened (in myself, or my children).

So, we are taking a mini vacation from schoolwork so that I can pray and plan and work. It’s time to overhaul our routines and assess what training is lacking in the kids, or what has lapsed that must be taken up again.

We are spending time deep cleaning rooms and getting back to our daily chore charts. The kids have a little more free time and I’m spending time on paperwork – long range lesson planning, book lists to take to the annual home educator’s convention and slogging through old files, etc.

There’s so much to do like the above mentioned that there is no way that we are going to get it all done in the planned two weeks I’ve taken off (we are in the second week now!) So, one of my tasks is to find a way to fit those big maintenance jobs into our regular routine. This has always been a challenge for me!

Question: How do you manage to keep all your plates in the air and make sure things like deep cleaning, culling your files, mending, organizing and do ahead type things (i.e. gifts, meals, planning for special occasions) get done?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


with the last installment of Masterpiece Theater's Little Dorrit, I have lost my sympathy for John... I was grieving for him, but now I want to say, "Stop snivelling boy!" Sheesh!

Go! Go enjoy it, just don't neglect your duties!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Tobias' Baby Shower...Gifts & Cake

This is the little layette set I made for little Tobias...the appliqued onesie and the shoes are my favorite.

Here's the cake I made...I ended up being rushed toward the I wasn't thrilled with it. but it definitely was yummy!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Currently Reading:
Tending Your Garden Cover

Get your copy here.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Quilt Show pictures...

I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to get these up. I didn't take enough pictures this time because my memory card was not in my camera, much to my dismay. Here are the ones I captured, though:
This first one was my favorite from the black and white challenge. Isn't it great?
This strippy quilt goes in my file of quilts I actually would consider doing.Looking at this one, I'm not sure why I took the picture...perhaps it was one that Shayna wanted me to snap.This quilt is using the traditional "Flying Geese" pattern in a unique way. I really, really like it!
Applique over "Grandmother's Fan" I love the use of the dark fabric, it really makes the vintage '30s colors "pop".Another view.

An amazing Celtic Applique quilt.

A traditional Baltimore Album appliqued quilt. I love the pineapples square!
Appliqued Fleur de lis.Isn't this one beautiful? I'm thinking that this is my favorite of the show.
Hat boxes! And they are on the traditional "attic windows" blocks. What a great way to use some of your favorite large sized patterns. This one is for Laura Lee.

Blocks! I took this one to study because I really need to work on my color theory and shading. Isn't it lively?
Another example of Celtic Applique. I am really fascinated with this technique, but not enough to do all of that work!
I love a sampler quilt! This one is applique, very traditional.This one was taken at a vendor's booth at the request of Janette. The gold and black would be a great combination for her living room project. This block pattern is called Sage Buds (according to my quilt block encyclopedia). I like quilts that combine two different blocks.

Well, there you have it, my quilt pictures. I hope you enjoyed them.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Overheard at the Quilt show...

"The oxy-products are great for new organic stains, but Biz is best for old organic stains." Overheard at the vintage linens booth. So, there you have it!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Rescue Recipes

Last night we had a guest for dinner. The dinner was to be just a casual weeknight dinner for a guy who lives by himself and would appreciate some home cooking.
I was totally stuck!
I had a turkey breast thawed but was totally uninspired as to what to do with it. Then it hit of my favorite rescue recipes was perfect.

Rescue Recipes are favorite, easy and versatile recipes that include ingredients that you always have on hand. I decided to make a new catagory in my recipe box with that title and copy my favorite rescue recipes into it.

The one I used last night was Dona's Wonderful Honey-Curry Sauce.
1/3 cup honey
1tsp. curry powder
1/3 cup melted butter
1 tsp. salt
2 tsp. prepared mustard.
Pour over chicken or pork or even rabbit & bake.

If you have someone in your family who doesn't like curry, this will change his/her mind. We like this sauce very much and it is wonderful served with brown rice.

Last night's menu was turkey baked with the sauce, brown rice, carrots, greenbeans and homemade apple sauce with cranberries. We had a scoop of vanilla ice cream with a little chocolate sauce with our coffee after dinner and family devotions.

Another favorite Rescue Recipe is fried rice.
I just saute' lots & lots of celery, onion & peppers and then throw in leftover rice. I fry all of that in a little oil until browning nicely then pour soy sauce (or Bragg's) over and sprinkle generously with chinese five-spice powder. I often scramble a couple of eggs and throw in frozen peas as well. This is especially good if you have a little diced leftover meat. Then we serve with a salad and applesauce.

Do you have any favorite recipes that help you out when the menu muse has left you? Please share!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY Monday, February 23, 2009...

Outside my window...The sun is blazing and the wind is blowing so that my screen rattles in it’s frame. I see little sticks on the ground that we will have to gather up to add to the “stick pile”. I see a board the children left on the ground after playing some sort of make-believe game.

I am thinking...that the sunshine feels good on my neck as it shines on me.

I am thankful for...the news that I will be a Grandmother late in the year.

From the learning rooms...a tour of Europe and a look at the Church in the year 1000 before we head into the Norman Invasion next week. I love my Truthquest!

From the kitchen...Whole Wheat Cinnamon-Raisin bread rising & yellow split pea & sausage soup for lunch.

I am wearing... blue jeans and a bright pink blouse with ruffles, socks and my ancient black slides.

I am creating...still working on that quilt for Crista, must finish it!!!

I am going...nowhere outside of my domain today except to pick up hubby from work.

I am get the house ready for company tonight.

I am hearing...Isaac putting away dishes and singing and Shayna working on memory verses.
Around the house...typical Monday things, cleaning up after Sunday, backlog of laundry, just trying to get things ship-shape for the week. On top of that, a visitor or three for dinner expected.

One of my favorite transferware bowls (Friendly Village), for our morning oatmeal.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Getting on a new schedule, back to early rising and a new thing-breakfast & devotions with Papa before he is off to work.

On Friday & Saturday I’m going to the quiltshow. I’m so looking forward to it (have been all year)!

Here is picture thought I am sharing... My favorite from last year’s show:

Thanks again to Peggy at Simple Woman for the DayBook project.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly

Ann’s writing often moves me, telling me truth in poetic words that sink deep into me, convicting me and pointing me to The Savior.
Read today’s post at A Holy Experience.
I was convicted by this phrase: “So I do it. I grab the angriest, messiest heart and hold it close.”
How often I want to push away the angriest, messiest heart in our home! How often I let that one turn me into the one who is the angriest, leaving a bigger mess that is so much harder to clean up than the one left by one littler, simpler… “take the log out of your own eye…”

We are memorizing a passage of Scripture as a family. We desperately need to renew our minds with the truth of God, I need it most of all.

Here is what we are working on.

“Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.” Colossians 3:12-16

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Valentine's Day Menu & a Recipe

For our annual Valentine's Day supper Shayna and I made Prime Rib Roast (bought marked down at the commissary).

We made mashed potatoes to go with and they were very yummy:
Yummy Yellow Taters
8 medium yukon gold potatoes, peeled and diced
1/2 cup chopped sweet onion
3 cloves garlic, sliced
1 tsp. dried basil
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. ground black pepper
1 cup sour cream
1/4 cup butter
1/2 cup milk
Place the potatoes in a large pot, and fill with enough water to cover by 1 inch. Add the onion, garlic and basil, salt & pepper and bring to a boil. Cook until potatoes are tender, about 15 minutes.
Drain the contents of the pot in a colander, then transfer to a large bowl. Add sour cream, butter and milk. Beat with a mixer until light. Adjust milk if needed. Do not beat long, or the potatoes will become stiff and pasty. Taste and adjust salt & pepper before serving.

We also had cooked carrots and spinach salad with orange sections, walnuts & feta cheese.

For dessert Shayna and I made Delicious Baked Fudge from Pioneer Woman Cooks. We served it with a little scoop of Ice Cream.
Dinner was definitely a success!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

You know what they say about good intentions…

The month of January has been full of ‘em and not a lot else!

I’m sorry that I have been away so long, Aunt Rose and others who care. I’m getting over a bout of Bronchitis, slowly.
I was a total slug last week! I was talking to my daughter-in-law yesterday evening and noted that though it seems that I rarely get things done, I must peck away at things all week. Because, when I am lying around like a slug and only the things the kids are in charge of get done (dishes, towels washed, vacuuming, etc.) things sure start to fall apart quickly. So, we are slowly but surely getting things back into shape.

Today, I did 4 loads of laundry and we did a pretty good clean of our keeping room (the large kitchen/dining room that we have). I also baked two cakes, a chocolate pound cake and a cinnamon-pecan pound cake. As I type this, the men and older boys of our church are gathering in that room to have a session meeting…and eat cake! And we did a full day of school, including watching the new president take his oath of office and listen to his speech.

Tomorrow, we will finish the keeping room, and make a meal to take to friends. We will also do a day of school including catching up our Middle Ages timeline… the last guy on there is Arthur, King of the Britons (c.537)…and we are up to Mohammad (570-632).

We celebrated Shayna’s 12th birthday yesterday. Gaelan & Emily came over and our friends the E family. The Dally cousins and D family are all down with bad colds and didn’t come. L (So, when cousins are better, we will have to have another party for both Aunt Kathryn & Shayna.) Shayna’s birthday dinner choice was philly cheese-steak sandwiches, we had chips to go with, homemade apple sauce and a green salad. I also made a brown rice salad that was very tasty, for our vegan family member, as well as for those of us who like that kind of food. Actually, Conrad likes that salad although he doesn’t remember having it before. I told him that the note in my cookbook says, “Conrad especially likes.” Shayna wanted to make cupcakes, so we made strawberry jell-o poke cakes and found little gummy frogs to put on them for fun. It was a fun evening.

I am trying to join in on the 12 Worthwhile Books Challenge, but I’m afraid that several of the books that I’ve picked are so big that I’ll never get through twelve. I’m currently reading a book on the middle ages that I think my dad used in college. It has been a good overview, but is 600+ pages. I am not going to read the Institutes in a year, because a few years ago we did a study of them with tapes from Greg Bahnsen…we didn’t get all the way through but that was enough for me! Does anyone else have a reading plan?