There are lots of downloads here, of little projects such as thankfulness lists and lapbooks.
And something we are definitely doing!
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.
I was convicted and inspired by this post. Do you do this? Do you read The Word with your family this often? I think that the father of this family has given his children a priceless gift, they know what is supposed to be important. Think about this statement: "Parents taste conviction, confess, repent." Wow. I know I've said it before, but find a way to read A Holy Experience, often. I just realized that I haven't gotten out our "Thankfulness Banner" this month! Things have been pretty crazy-busy here and I'm just beginning to realize that the Holidays are upon us. Sigh! So as usual, I pick myself up, dust myself off and resolve to do what is important and try to ignore the unimportant. Dear Lord give me strength and wisdom! Amen |
"If you are speaking to another person, you are helping form the pattern of that person’s thinking. You are contributing to his vocabulary (maybe that’s more obvious), and you are also contributing to the structure of his thought.
If you constantly speak to your two or three year old child in one and two word sentences, that is how your child will tend to think. And that’s more or less OK with a one year old, less so with a two year old, and horrible with a three year old."
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