Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Head on over to Reformation Theology to read this article:What Would Be The Point of Evangelism if Divine Election Is True?

I made chicken-broccoli alfredo last night. Would you believe it is the first time I've made a traditional alfredo sauce? The dish was very good, served with a salad and garlic bread.
Tonight we have an appointment until 5:30 and Conrad has proposed burgers from the local burger joint. I'll take that offer!
Tomorrow, I have a roast thawed for pot roast...not sure how I'm going to flavor it yet, Korean, Mexican or traditional Anglo-Saxon with vegetables.

Well, we're having a busy day I'm off!Gabriel and his Uncles 10-19-09

Gabriel and his Uncles

Monday, October 26, 2009

images Until November 1, get a free Download of Luther's "Here I Stand" speech at the Diet of Worms read by Max McLean.

Meal Planning...or the lack of planning!

Sometimes I just get into a funk when it comes to meal planning. I usually fall back on a rotating menu from the past (I have one or two in a binder). That's where I find myself today. I usually have my menu planned by Sunday evening so that I can get my grocery list together for shopping on Monday or Tuesday. I just sat and stared at that notepad yesterday! I couldn't muscle up any brain power for menu planning!

This morning, I visited "Menu Monday" at "I'm an Organizing Junkie". There are close to 200 different menus on there! I finally have some ideas and even copied some recipes.

So, what are we having? I don't know yet...I'm going to go out to the freezer and pantry and nose around. I'll let you know what I decide.

Have a good day!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Must Read Link

I'm so glad that Carmon at Buried Treasure is blogging again! She has been sharing with us the talks that she gave to an OPC women's conference. There are several good biographical articles on Christian women. Go...Read, and be challenged!

We are having a busy week following the church campout and the birth of Gabriel. I'm having some difficulty getting back into a routine, but that's okay.

Today we have a Dr.s appointment and it takes something as trivial as that to throw off my whole day!

So, today I'm full of thankfulness for the continued life of a dear friend who had a heart attack the night before last. He's in ICU but is improving and we are so thankful! And of course, there's little Gabriel - an angel indeed!

We are eating crock pot chicken for dinner...I think!

We are learning the hymn "Come You Thankful People Come!"

And in preparation for the Lord's Day, I'm thinking about what I will fix to bring to the congregational lunch.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Gabriel Rowan ...isn't he a cutie?

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Some fun links...

If you haven't checked out One Pretty really should. These links are from there.

Make a nature crown. Here is a recipe for mulled cider scented play-dough.

We are getting ready for our annual church campout. And of course...we are anxiously awaiting Tad's arrival!

With that thought, another link from Adventures in Diapering and Beyond. Tips for keeping a Mother's Journal.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Daybook Entry

FOR TODAY...October 5th

Outside my window... partly cloudy cool day with jets going over.

I am thinking... about my daughter-in-law and her baby due any time now.

I am thankful for...
worship, feasting, fellowship and rest.

I am wearing...
long black skirt, ¾ sleeve black t-shirt and favorite slip-ons.

I am remembering... sitting on the couch snuggled up with Luke reading picture books (loudly & vigorously) yesterday.

I am going... to catch up on laundry and schoolwork before the campout.

I am reading...
The Black Arrow by R.L. Stevenson aloud to the children.

I am hoping... that it doesn’t rain on our annual campout.

On my mind... Gaelan & Emily and little “Tad” and many other prayer requests, Denise, Chris, Gregory.

From the learning rooms... nothing this week except a little catch up…next week, The Borgias!

Noticing that... as usual, there’s more things needing to be done than I have a mind to do this week.

Pondering these words... “And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone” I Thessalonians 5:14…my job description.

From the kitchen... sounds of dishes being done and a tape being listened to “It’s Cool in the Furnace, Man!” Later, fried rice for dinner.

Around the house... Straightening up and getting ready for the annual church campout.
One of my favorite things~ decorating for fall.

From my picture journal...

Emily & Gaelan in Montpelier "chillin' with the Madisons"

Friday, October 02, 2009


I'm still thinking about this post.
And remember a conversation I had one day with our old pastor (he's gone to be with the Lord and has finally gotten to rest in his favorite verse). We were talking about making decisions and determining the Lord's will. It was a small comment but he said something like, "you know that when you make the decision and move on, that is faithfulness too, that you have to have faith that your doing what you think is right is what He's ordained for you. That you aren't to be immobilized trying to figure out God's will, His will is for you to believe and to act."

I often stumble through my days, just trying to keep my head above water. I have a child who takes all of my energy some days, most days. And yet my other responsibilities don't stop because I have it hard in one area. I think that when it has been so hard, God has taught me so much more about who He is, that His Grace is sufficient. Sounds almost cliche doesn't it? I should know these things! I find that I use an awful lot of my own strength keeping things together, keeping the house calm, trying to keep everyone doing what they ought to be doing and keeping them from doing what they ought not to be doing. And then my child (or is it God?) demonstrates that there is nothing I really can do. So then I do what I should have done all along. Pray and repeat His Word to me and to mine. And then just serve.

I really think that I should have this down, this stopping and praying and seeking out His Word and then just moving out in faith. I have to relearn it almost every day! And it really is true, there is much joy in serving and being surrendered! My master is kind and loves me and mine, He also watches over me in such a way6
that not a hair can fall from my head
without the will of my Father in heaven:7
in fact, all things must work together for my salvation.

Heidleberg Catechism Q1.